Why an outdoor family photo shoot has hidden extra benefits — AJ Nitz Images

Why an outdoor family photo shoot has hidden extra benefits

Why do you hold a family photo session? Family photography portraits capture those important and treasured memories. 

The major of people sign up for family photographs because of the beautiful images that grace the walls of the family home.  But did you that holding an outdoor family photography session delivers some unexpected benefits. 

I will explore these benefits below. 

Outdoors time is beneficial for your kids wellbeing

Playing outside gives your child the chance to explore the natural environment and have adventures.  When researching this blog post, I found many online resources that outline the benefits of the outdoors. 

In particular, it is reported that when your child is outside, they probably have more space and freedom for big movements, like running, jumping, kicking and throwing. It is these physical activities that are good for your child’s health, fitness and physical development. 


I get that this generation of kids is different from previous generations.  When I was growing up I spent most of my childhood playing outside.  When I was not at school I was bounced out the front door and told to play outside until lunch. These days kids seem to be spending more time on their devices than they do outside.  It may be that us parents find the world to be bigger, scarier and downright more dangerous than when we were growing up.  

Research is suggesting that Australian children are spending more time than ever before sitting or lying down.  Unfortunately, screens are the direct blame for this sedentary behaviour. 

However, we should recognise that many studies agree that kids who play outside are smarter, happier, more attentive, and less anxious than kids who spend more time indoors.

Kids need time outdoors

Humans need the sun.  Do you know how important it is to get a little sunshine?

First and foremost, sunlight is critical to helping you sleep.  Running around in the sun not only tires them out but it is also creating a hormone called melatonin.  Sunshine regulates your circadian rhythm by telling your body when to increase and decrease your melatonin levels.

Do not forget that when your children are out in the sun it is helping to boost vitamin D levels, which are good for maintaining healthy bones as well as being critical for your immune system.

Finally sunshine helps to improve your mood and helps you stay calm and focused.  These are classic traits that needs to be cultivated in our young kids. 

Reflect on how you feel in the middle of winter when the days are short with many days being overcast and grey.  I do not know about you, but I find in July my mood is crashing to an all-time low and I am wishing for spring to start. 

Exercise, exercise and more exercise

Children love to play and be active.

Research shows that children over the age of 5 should be physically active for at least 60 minutes every day.  This does not have to be structured sport, just an activity that keeps them moving and active. 

According to Health Direct, about 4 out of 5 children in Australia don't get the daily 60 minutes of physical activity they need for good health.

Encouraging your child to be physically active every day will set them up to be active and healthy for their whole lives as research suggests that inactive children are likely to become inactive adults, putting young people at risk of developing life-threatening conditions such as heart disease and cancer. 

Hence, why it's important to encourage exercise and keeping fit from a young age. 

At my photoshoots it is impossible to stop the kids from running around having fun like climbing trees, running races that are all designed to ensure an enjoying photoshoot as well as keeping them moving. 

Appreciate the things around you

The world is your oyster.  With that, we should take the opportunities that life offers us. 

Kids should be given the opportunity to explore the world they live in, see how incredible their city is, and enjoy their environment with an open and inquisitive mind that only kids can muster.  They just do not have the baggage that adults have. 

This means stomping around in the snow, digging in the dirt, playing with sticks, or even examining bugs and insects in their environment.  Kids should be doing these things every day.   Most importantly they should be appreciating all the things around them. 

When your children are enjoying the environment around them, you may find that you will also start enjoying the great outdoors.


Got a spare afternoon?   Why not grab your kids and try these things:

·        Head out to Corin Forest and try some toboggin in some snow;

·        Climb a hill or the side of Parliament House and roll down it;

·        Dig a hole to see if you find more than just some earthworms;

·        Go for a walkout at Mulligan’s Flat and see how many animals you can find;

·        Help your kids built a fort outside with a rope and an old sheet;

·        Have a picnic lunch at the playground or park.

·        Go on a bug hunt!

·        Blow gigantic bubbles or better still make frozen bubbles on subzero mornings;

·        Make a boat to float down a stream.

There are endless activities for you and your kids to enjoy.  The best part is most of these activities are free to enjoy. 

Why not get out and enjoy the great outdoors. 

If you need someone to document your next exploration or adventure, I would be absolutely delighted to capture your activities. You can contact me here. Alternatively, join some of the other Canberra families enjoying the outdoors.
